Thursday, August 6, 2009

I Love You, Sometimes.

This summer has been packed full of lessons of unconditional love, and I finally understand what it truly feels like to love someone unconditionally.

It's an unavoidable fact that everyone we know is going to let us down in some way or another, big or small. And by the same token, I'm sure I have and will let down many people in my life. It's a fact of life, but it's so hard to deal with.

How does God do it?

God is let down every second by you, me and every single other person on this planet. He is disappointed when we choose to love worldly things more than we love Him or turn away from His goodness, etc.

Are you kidding me? Me being disappointed in one silly instance by one silly person seems so ridiculous and irrelevant when you step back and look at the big picture.

We sin all the time, let down God by the second, but He still says, "Hey, it's ok. I still love you no matter what." And then we do the next stupid thing and you know what He says? "Hey, it's ok. I still love you no matter what." And I bet you can guess what he said the other 8 bagillion times we screw up? Yep, you guessed it!

What a testament to unconditional love, God!

But why isn't it that easy for me?

I feel like sometimes I have troubles forgiving, and, more than that, FORGETTING. I know they say a wise person forgives but never forgets [or something like that] but I'm pretty sure those two go hand in hand. How can you say that you fully forgive someone if you are still dwelling upon the issue? And how are you still loving a person unconditionally if that issue is constantly being held over their head? And that's not fair.

God instructs us in Ephesians 5:1-2 [my absolute favorite verse] to "be imitators of God, as dearly loved children and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up as a frangrant offering and sacrifice to God." God wants us to love unconditionally just as He does. He wants us to forgive and forget, and genuinely love that person [and that person could be yourself!] struggles and all.

He orders us to be imitators of Himself! What a job.

The simple truth is, it's not so difficult to love people unconditionally. It's the central message of the Bible and one of the earliest lessons you learn in life.

But it takes a good dose of realizing that it's not about you. It's about loving that person maybe even a little bit more when they're struggling. It's about doing whatever it takes to forgive and forget, to strengthen the relationship God has gifted to you. It's about focused, intense prayer for that person. And most of all, it's about having FAITH in that person and knowing that they are going to make it through.

The trick is to love as a warrior of God. To remember that it is what God would do.

It's a struggle. It always will be. But i'm working on it.
I would love to just listen if you need to talk through your struggles or even to be your prayer warrior!


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